Working towards sustainablility.

Like all people in this world, I am not perfect.

When it comes to sustainability I believe there is always room for improvement, but what is important is that everyone does their best. 

I make jewellery and with that process I constantly reflect on how and why I make what I make. I love creating and acknowledging that my jewellery does have an impact on this earth is the first step to change. I source my metals  from Australian producers that also value sustainability in their practice and collect all metal scraps to be reused. When I purchase tooling, I ensure I shop locally where possible and buy from trusted brands that will last me a long time. I limit the chemicals in my workshop and keep all consumables to a minimum. All my packaging is Australian made and recyclable and/ or reusable.

As a small business I do my best, if you have any questions or ideas for improvement please contact me. 

We all need to work together to keep this world green.