Saskia den Brinker

Saskia den Brinker is an emerging contemporary jeweller based in Sydney, on Gadigal land. After graduating from the Australian National University's Gold and Silversmithing workshop she now works from a private workshop where she designs and produces specialty jewellery. Saskia has a particular interest in working with fine silver and takes time to perfect individual techniques to produce jewellery. In this way, she aims to create aesthetic and wearable everyday jewellery, without compromising on design or quality. Saskia also makes sure to put an emphasis on creating art and jewellery at a sustainable level, with reflection on what the ongoing impact of her jewellery will have on the world around her. 



  • 2018-2022 Studied Bachelor of Visual arts majoring in Gold and Silver Smithing, Australian national University (ANU)


  • 2022 School of Art and Design 2021 New Alumni Show, Australian national University (ANU)
  • 2021 School of art and design 2021 GRAD SHOW, Australian National University (ANU)
  • 2023 'Dialogue' Collaborative group exhibition, M16 Artspace, Kingston ACT